Me??ape lagi...sebab nak kumpul seberapa banyak SAP point,so join la most activity yg boleh dapat SAP point...huhuhu...(sem ni sem mengumpul SAP point). Macam2 activity yg i join like committe of congkak for Malaysia Book of Record-MBR, join play skali, play batu seremban, committee for UPG-UNITEN visit MMU n a lot of join any activity that held on that week.Memang penat beb...sampaikan ade presentation about critics the film pun tengah malam baru nak buat...itu pun just remember je film "Rush Hour"..what i think about that film...itulah yang i critique...huhuhu...lecturer pon prasan yg i x prepare for that presentation.
firstly i nak cerita pasal congkak event...memang all the committee yang terlibat mmg best...all of them are great...happenning...i tak my life akan ade buat something yg worth gak la...which is cipta record as one of the player that play congkak for 31 hr 5 minutes..tak lama lg dapat la sijil MBR. Terase gak la bangge...i just jaga kat booth tu waktu i xde kelas je...n waktu malam sampai kol 10 kowt..(tengah2 malam biar budak laki jaga...)
The second story yg i nak cerita is about UPG-UNITEN visit MMU. All of the committe from UPG also very great n happenning..dorang memang best giller..even baru first time jumpe dorang pon dah rase cam kenal lame dah...bebudak UNITEN pon best gak. For lawatan nih kitorang from MMU harus bawak bebudak UNI10 nih melawat all campus in MMU (dah kate lawatan muhibbah)...i yang tak pernah masuk Grand Hall pon terase kagum gak la...sebab first time masuk Grand Hall..dari ice breaking sampailah ke grand hall n hantar dorang sampai kat STAD building untuk dorang balik...memang best..bebudak UNI10 mmg happenning gak.. hopefully nnt dapat lagi la buat macam bawak org lain g jenjalan kat MMU...coz tempat yg kite x pernah pegi pon boleh jadi pergi akhirnye because of that.
satu lagi cerita is about about batu seremban..dah lame x main batu seremban...last main pon waktu zaman kanak2 dulu..mule2 tuh x ingat gak la...tapi nasib baik buleh practise dulu..tak la tergagap2 waktu competition group dapat nombor 3...jadi la...daripada kalah...ade banyak gak group yang masuk...budak laki pon ade main skali tau...jangan ingat bdak laki x reti main...huhuhu...
so..stakat ni je la cerita tuk minggu yg BZ nih...dah letih nak taip pon masukkan sebab da lame x update blog nih...huhuhu..
after nih i still bz with other commitment which is committee for career fair and academic fair...
after that??still not thinking yet!!maybe not..just waitting for next sem to join another committee...hehehe...
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